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I attended GarethÂ’s recent workshop at the National Fundraising Convention and can only say that this was the outstanding session of the convention - serious content dealt with in a fun, practical and entertaining manner. Gareth demonstrated that creativity is just beneath the surface and was able to dip below that surface and net the results!
Harry Brown, Consultant and Fellow of the Institute of Fundraising
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Active 8 

Active 8

Active 8 is a small charity in Cornwall, providing fun and challenging experiences for young people who have a physical disability.   The charity provides residential weekends at an outdoor activity centre for the young people.

Active 8 runs twelve residential weekends a year. This is a core group who meet together for two years to share some challenges and a lot of new experiences.

In Cornwall, young people with major physical disabilities (unless they also have a severe learning disability) go to a mainstream secondary school. This is good, but they live in a rural county. There are very few of them in the whole county in each year group, and so they rarely meet each other. They are dependent on parents for transport, and can therefore be isolated socially at an age where it's really important to have friendships as well as family.  Other people's low expectations are a big disadvantage for these young people, who at age 13 to 15 and are still finding out who they are.

Active 8, Porters, Tregony, Cornwall, TR2 5TH

Registered charity no 1068239


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